Pam Hogg SS20: Best in Show

Pho­tog­ra­phy Anna Zand­man

Icon­ic punk design­er Pam Hogg returns with SS20 “Best in show” for Lon­don Fash­ion Week.

Open­ing the show with British-Brazil­ian mod­el, Alice Del­lal, who set the tone for what was to come. Bold, brash and bound­ary-push­ing as ever, the theme being ‘Poo­dle Pow­er’, mod­els were sent down the cat­walk in cruft style rosettes fash­ioned into fab­u­lous wear­able art, whilst oth­ers were led down the run­way in fetish influ­enced dog col­lars and leads.

OVERDUE had the won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to get a peek back­stage with pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Anna Zandman.